Sandplay Training Worldwide

Experiential, depth training in the art and science of sandplay therapy

In sandplay, the hands work with sand, water and figures representing every part of the real world, giving concrete form to what may be hidden inside, including those experiences for which we have no words. This can be a powerful experience for the …

In sandplay, the hands work with sand, water and figures representing every part of the real world, giving concrete form to what may be hidden inside, including those experiences for which we have no words. This can be a powerful experience for the sandplayer. Sudden recognition of what was unknown, but also familiar, can heal old wounds, including trauma, in a safe and gentle way.

Register for a course—click here!

Most trainings are now live and interactive webinars via Zoom! Watch for details or sign up to receive email notices of course schedules.

Summer Sandplay in-person, experiential, hands-on training has returned for June and September 2025!

A New On Demand Introduction to Sandplay Training has just been added!

Through Sandplay Training Worldwide, DrLinda Cunningham provides soulful, in-depth, experiential training for professional psychotherapists in the art and science of sandplay therapy. Trainings cover practical, theoretical, clinical and ethical aspects of this powerful depth therapeutic method, and are designed to provide a transformative experience for the participants.

 All courses count toward Education Hours for STA/ISST Certification

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What is Sandplay Therapy?

Sandplay is a gentle, deeply meaningful experience for clients who are drawn to it. Using small figures representing every aspect of the world, and a small sandtray painted blue on the bottom and filled with sand, clients are often surprised and delighted at the picture of their own internal world that spontaneously forms. Making sandtrays over time is like having “waking dreams” that offer insight and integration of energies and information that were previously inaccessible. Symptoms recede, clarity settles in, and serenity and inner stillness suffuse one's experience. Sandplay is used very successfully with children. However, I have found that in depth work with adults who are interested in this method, the level of healing is quite profound and lasting. Read more...

Sandplay Training Hours

Sandplay Therapists of America and the International Society for Sandply Therapy require a minimum of 120 hours of education as one of the requirements to become certified in sandplay therapy. The minimum hours of coursework in each content area are as follows: Introduction to Sandplay (18 hours); Clinical Sandplay Practice (48 hours); Jungian Theory (18 hours); and Symbolism (18 hours), plus Electives. Through Sandplay Training Worldwide, you may take any single training, or take all of the trainings and apply these hours toward required education. For more detail about courses, see Become a Certified Sandplay Therapist

Continuing Education in California: Linda Cunningham, PhD, MFT, CST-T is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs LCSWs, LPCCs and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Linda Cunningham, PhD, MFT, CST-T maintains responsibility for the program/course and its content. CAMFT CE Provider Number 017288.

Course completion certificates will be handed out immediately after the training. If you have any questions, please call Linda Cunningham, or 415-346-6363.

All courses are held online:

Introduction to Sandplay (18 hours)

Jungian Theory in Sandplay (18 hours)

Symbolism and Symbolic Process in Sandplay  (18 hours)

Healing Complex Trauma with Sandplay (18 hours)

The Archetype of Integrity: Law and Ethics in Sandplay (6 hours)

Transference, Countertransference and Co-Transference: Alchemical Transformation in Sandplay (12 hours)

Sandplay and the Self (6 hours)

Exploring the Shadow in Sandplay (6 hours)

Sandplay with Adults (6 hours)

Exploring Complexes in Sandplay (6 hours)

Courses are offered throughout the year. Courses may be taken in order, or not but Introduction to Sandplay should be taken before other courses.

Courses are taught by Linda Cunningham, PhD, MFT, Certified Teaching Member of Sandplay Therapists of America and the International Society of Sandplay Therapists. Linda has been teaching about sandplay therapy, the clinical relationship, and Jungian Depth Psychology for many years. Guest teachers are invited to speak on special topics.

We traditionally think of sandplay therapy as appropriate for children. And it is true that children seem to know immediately what to do in the sand, and in a state of playful, industrious absorption, play through their traumas and seem to magically…

We traditionally think of sandplay therapy as appropriate for children. And it is true that children seem to know immediately what to do in the sand, and in a state of playful, industrious absorption, play through their traumas and seem to magically heal their inner wounds. Yet sandplay is also deeply healing for adults, and can be a valuable adjunct to any kind of therapy, even analytic therapies. It's as if a new "royal road" to the unconscious has opened up, a royal road that leads us to symbols and feelings, reflecting back deeply buried, implicit images of the Self.

“Often the hands know how to solve a riddle with which the intellect has wrestled in vain.
— C. G. Jung

Every effort will be made to accommodate persons with disabilities. If you have special needs regarding accessibility, materials or content please contact Linda Cunningham in advance to allow arrangements to be made., Please be aware that both the San Francisco and Gig Harbor training sites are accessible only by stairs. However, with enough advance notice, a change of venue may be possible.  415-346-6363 or

Continuing Education in California: Linda Cunningham, PhD, MFT, CST-T is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs LCSWs, LPCCs and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.

Linda Cunningham, PhD, MFT, CST-T maintains responsibility for the program/course and its content. CAMFT CE Provider Number 017288.

If you have any questions, please call Linda Cunningham, or 415-346-6363.